Group Class 團課

Space Yoga

Currently On Staff, teaching the following classes, please see website for class schedule and pricing.

Yoga Teacher

Teacher of the Month Articles 本月老師文章

Yoga Basics Join our Yoga Basics class, to build a solid foundation for your Yoga Practice. Simple poses suitable for beginners will be explored thoroughly. In this slow-paced class, beginners learn to move through the poses with awareness to build strength and avoid injuries. Come and enjoy learning beginner friendly poses at a relaxed, easy to follow pace. We will introduce the basics of yoga in a non-competitive, pressure-free environment. Who should try Yoga Basics? This class is suitable for both beginners and those who have a regular practice who wish to gain a greater understanding of Yoga and deepen their practice.

Yoga basics focuses on both breathing techniques (pranayama) and asana (the postures). The breathing and movements are combined to help student connect to their inner power. With this solid foundation, we can begin to explore the depths of Yoga, while developing a greater understanding of ourselves. This practice will nourish and invigorate your mind, body, and the soul.

瑜珈基礎 從瑜珈常會接觸體位法(動作)中,特別挑選出適合初學者所練習的動作。仔細講解及深入教學,幫助首次嘗試瑜珈練習的您,可更清楚如何安全的進行動作,避免練習時因太快或太難的動作,造成不必要的傷害與心理上的壓力。課程中動作難度較低,練習速度較慢,學員可在一個沒有壓力、競爭的環境下,放鬆心情學習瑜珈。這樣的練習不只適合甫接觸瑜珈的初學者,也適合原本已有固定練習的您。藉此方式,幫助更多有經驗的學員,更深一層地認識自己的身體,並將動作基礎向下紮根,穩固平日的練習。除了基礎體位法的練習外,也會教導學員如何正確的使用呼吸法(pranayama),將呼吸和身體動作搭配在一起,透過呼吸的引導,慢慢體會與自己內在能量連結,幫助學員開啟另一道嶄新的旅程,由呼吸法練習進入體位法,慢慢地滋養我們的心靈,將自己的身心靈整合一起。OM~

Hatha 1 Hatha 1 explores the fundamentals of Yoga. Asanas (postures) are held for longer time with attention to details of alignment and often with rest phases between postures. Basic inversion poses may be included. The student is introduced to basic poses, elements of Sun Salutations and simple breathwork. Classes may include a meditation element and simple mantra. All classes include a deep relaxation (savasana) at the end of class. This class is perfect for those who are new to yoga and want to learn at a slower pace.

哈達1 課程包含基礎體位法、進階體位法的預備式、拜日式和簡單的呼吸法,體位法的練習會著重在每個動作的身體順位,動作和動作之間老師會循漸進的講解,並引導呼吸;除體位法練習之外,也會帶入基礎冥想的技巧與簡單的梵唱,並大休息結束,再身體和心靈的平衡下,達到最大的和諧。Hatha 1 非常適合已有基礎瑜珈練習經驗者,與想在瑜珈練習中按部就班進步的學員。

Flow Flow is a dynamic asana practice, combining movement with breath (and basic alignment). The breath and movement are synchronized, allowing the postures to form around the breath. Flow Yoga uses smooth transitions from pose to pose. The heat in Flow Yoga is created from the "inside out" with the use of the breath and energetic locks of the inner musculature of the body (bandhas). Each class is different and forms around a theme such as back bending, hip-opening, or forward folds. A variety of postures may be combined to challenge and invigorate. Some Flow classes will introduce gentle pranayama (breathwork) to fill the body with vibrant energy.

flow 1 Ideal for those wishing to do a fluid, moving practice with internal heat. Most asanas are oriented towards opening and lengthening the muscles, strengthening the core, toning the internal organs and detoxifying. Attention to breath and intentional movement is emphasized. Flow 1 classes often include basic arm balances and basic inversions. Suitable for all levels; however, brand new beginners may wish to start with yoga basics or hatha 1 classes before trying flow 1.

動瑜珈 動瑜珈是結合串連流動的瑜珈動作與呼吸所編排的課程,將引導練習者學習如何以內在能量引導流暢的動作練習。在動瑜珈的練習裡,呼吸與動作是同步進行的,從一個動作到一個動作,流暢地在呼吸吐納間轉變。透過呼吸與鎖印能量的運用,練習動瑜珈時會自然從身體的內在產生熱能。每堂動瑜珈課程會有不同的主題,例如後彎、打開髖關節、前彎等。不同的動作,會帶來不同的挑戰與活力,有的動瑜珈課程會教授溫和的調息法,使身體感受能量的震動。

動瑜珈 1 動瑜珈是動態的體位法練習,結合動作、呼吸與基礎順位法則,學習如何以呼吸引導流暢的動作練習。動瑜珈1課程囊括基礎的手平衡練習與簡單的倒立動作。

Restorative Restorative Yoga is a blissful, gentle, deeply healing and meditative practice. It is ideal for relieving stress and tension and works on the connective tissues and internal systems of the body. All asanas are seated or reclining and maintained for 5-15 minutes each while being deeply supported by props (blankets, bolsters, and blocks) and aromatherapy. Deep deliberate breath is encouraged. These soothing and well-supported poses offer the opportunity to linger quietly while finding space from the activities of life, to savor its simple sweetness. With regular practice, you will be rewarded with the ability to drop with ease into a place of stillness already present and waiting within yourself. Restorative Yoga is an ideal accompaniment to your regular asana practice. SPACE recommends at least one Restorative class per week to balance your personal practice.

靜瑜珈 靜瑜珈是一種充滿喜悅、溫和、深度的治癒和冥想練習。靜瑜珈的功能在於減輕壓力和緊張,幫助運作身體內的連接組織及內在系統。所有姿勢採取或坐或靠且維持 5 -15 分鐘長度,同時以輔具(毯子、瑜珈枕和瑜珈磚)輔助課程。在靜瑜珈中,深度地持續呼吸是被鼓勵的。靜瑜珈是配合熱瑜珈和動瑜珈之間的極佳練習, SPACE 建議至少一週一次靜瑜珈課程來平衡你的個人瑜珈練習。


Currently On Staff, teaching the following classes, please register here for class schedule and payment.

Strength and Conditioning Coach

課程名稱:Integrated Mobility 整合活動性訓練

If you are hoping to increase flexibility, mobility, energy and sports performance. This is a carefully designed integrated class aiming for 餓exercise recovery. For someone that has no strength experience, this is a good entry level class to build some muscle suppleness, for someone that has lots of weightlifting or training experience, this is an active recovery class aiming to keep your muscle heal quickly after a tough workout. The class structure will include exercises that increase ROM (range of motion. ) and Neuro Muscular Connectivity, an integrated session that include yoga breathing, muscle awareness, core stability, strengthen and recover, its a fun option for weekend warriors or sedentary individual.

如果你希望增加柔軟度,提升肌肉的彈性,增加身體活動度,快速的恢復運動能力。這堂課是為你而設計的。對於無肌力經驗的人,這是個入門課程,對於過度身體緊繃,大量肌力訓練的人,這是個讓身體復原的課程。這堂課針對全身整體的關節活動度 ROM 和神經肌肉啟動 Neuro-Muscular Connection去規劃動作,結合了瑜伽呼吸,肌肉啟動,核心穩定,使用彈力帶和PVC水管為輔具,具挑戰而有趣的課程,非常適合週末戰士和久坐族。

課程時間: 60分鐘

道具: Mobility PVC pipe 水管/ Training Band 彈力帶 8KG-women 12KG-men

人數: 10人

🅾️ Jordan Integrated Mobility的每個動作都以Activate 活化 Strengthen 強 Restore 修復為主,以幫助你找到健康平衡的運動模式,優化你的動作。


Bon Vivant


Currently on Staff

Head Coach/Exercise Specialist

Yoga Therapy 療癒瑜伽

Wellness exercise specialist 運動教練

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