My Story

Hi my name is Jordan. I was born in Malaysia but spent a good portion of my life in the US. My passion for art and design led me to complete a degree in fashion at a prestigious college, there after spending 10 years working as a fashion designer in New York City. I later became interested in human movement, leading me to perform briefly in modern dance where I then pursued an interest in yoga. While working as a busy designer, this took a toll on my lifestyle. The stress within the industry led to many years of depression and anxiety.

Yoga and meditation was a huge stress reliever for me, and I pursued many different lineages within the realms of yoga such as Ashtanga, Anusara, Iyengar, Yin and Restorative.

I have been fortunate enough to study alongside yoga therapist Neil Pearson's and complete my Pain Care Yoga certification, integrating yoga into pain care and therapeutic practice. My passion for the human condition did not stop there and I pursued courses within strength and mobility.

 I now teach yoga, meditation, strength and mobility to classes and private clients. My multi-disciplinary education became a strength as a coach and teacher especially with my private clients who suffer with chronic injuries and illnesses. Health and wellness became a big part of my interests.

In 2020 I started 'Jordan Wellness', a mind body fitness program that focuses on yoga therapy and mobility. My expertise in yoga therapy, breathing, movement biomechanics, anatomy, pain care, meditation and strength and conditioning allowed me to create a wellness program that is comprehensive and sophisticated, an integrated wellness program that activates, strengthens and restores the body.

My approach to human movement is about creating space; through listening, observing and experiencing. I coach students and clients with a keen and open mind, backed by science that's guided by compassion and equanimity.

 I am all about finding the right practices and training for each unique individual, balancing the nervous system, healing the body and living a more conscious life.

I consider myself a global citizen, having lived the majority of my life in Malaysia and the US, and now Taiwan. I am fortunate to have experienced it all, from a career in fashion in one of the global fashion capital's of the world, to being a part time dancer, college professor and now a yoga and fitness coach living in Taipei, Taiwan. I am multi-lingual, and also an avid meditator that loves to read and travel. My passion lies in helping people find a well-balanced lifestyle through exercising and wellness coaching. If you are ready to change, I am here for you every step of the way.

Move well, eat well, be well

Let's train ❤️



從生長到現在定居過馬來西亞,美國,台灣, 精通多國語言,喜歡旅行,運動,藝術和閱讀。Jordan曾經是擔任過服裝設計師,舞者,瑜伽老師。從豐富的人生經驗中遇上了瑜伽,從2007年開始, 因為工作身心壓力受創的關係,Jordan初嚐瑜伽療癒滋味,啟動了至今多年的累積、堆疊、鑽研,並深入療癒瑜珈範疇,近年來也投入了很多學習在科學化的體適能訓練,靜坐冥想,疼痛照護,相信健康是來自於身心平衡,結合了身體和心智的練習。

一如Jordan的多元背景和學習,他的課堂充滿樂趣和挑戰,透過瑜伽體位法,體適能綜合訓練,解剖和肌肉動力學, 神經動能療法,瑜伽疼痛照護,靜坐冥想等領域,結合了運動和身心的平衡訓練,尊重每一個人的獨特性。

Jordan 總和過往所學,創造正念練習環境並透過療癒理念,陪伴解決深層的身體及情緒困擾,以創意佐智慧引導練習者跳脫問題表象,在適度的空間中敞開、放鬆、停頓、體察、突破自我並修正舊慣性,脫離窠臼,以進入深具影響力的療癒瑜珈。


Jordan目前對運動科學化訓練如何帶給身體更多的療癒效果有興趣,結合了瑜伽靈活性,居家運動功能性,訓練生理學的知識,他擁有超過了10年的瑜伽教學和體適能訓練經驗,他是ACE美國運動委員會認證的CPT私人教練,也是美國著名教練團PreScript L1認證教練。

每年除了在國內外辦研習課,歐洲僻靜營和教育訓練,他持有E-RYT500小時美國瑜伽聯盟瑜伽認證, 其中影響最深的是近年來不斷的向加拿大具有創傷療癒背景的師中之師的Hart Lazer學習,完成了近700小時的冥想和療癒瑜珈的師資,除了每年定期跟隨Hart Lazer學習以外,目前Jordan也是Hart Lazer在亞洲地區的師資班助教。

Jordan 同時完成了國際瑜珈療癒師們疼痛大師Neil Pearson的Pare Care Yoga疼痛照護瑜珈證照, 和美國療癒瑜伽權威老師Doug Keller超過了100小時以上的學習,同時是神經動能療法NueroKinetic Therapy一級認證使用者。

Currently Hold Position 現職

瑜伽體適能整合訓練師/ 肯尚健康管理運動總教練/ SPACE YOGA/ SPACE WELLNESS 療癒瑜伽老師

Certification  認證

美國 Pre Script L1 Certified Coach/ Skill Acquisition/ 美國國家運動委員會私人教練 ACE-CPT/ Hart Lazer, United Yoga Montreal 療癒瑜珈 美國E-RYT500小時瑜珈聯盟認證/ Neil Pearson, Life is now 加拿大疼痛照護療癒瑜珈50CE繼續教育認證/ Doug Keller, 美國療癒瑜珈聯盟CEU105小時瑜珈聯盟繼續教育認證/ NeuroKinetic Therapy 神經動能療法 Level One 一級認證

Specialization 專長

  • 療癒瑜伽針對慢性疾病
  • 身體活柔軟度和動性訓練
  • 特殊族群運動計畫
  • 運動傷害防護和復健計畫
  • 體適能肌力和心肺訓練
  • 靜坐冥想和創傷壓力釋放

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