Services Descriptions 服務項目解說

Mind Body Exercise Inquiry 身心運動諮詢

An initial evaluation of current lifestyle, health issues, goals and personal preferences, including conversations about change and choices. Based on your feedback, I will provide you with the best possible resources, according to your personal needs, financial capabilities and availability. This is a free 30 min initial assessment.


Exercise Assessment 運動評估

I provide an initial exercise assessment, including movement and postural assessments, based on your health history, training age, past and current injury and chronic conditions. This session will precede all exercise programming and one on one in person training. It is an open conversation between coach and client to establish an executable strategy that will help you develop self efficiency.

 我提供一個整體的運動評估,透過動作檢測, 體態評估, 加上過去的健康和運動史, 給你一個運動前的初步評。這評估是每一位進入課表菜單訓練或私人課的前奏,這評估能未來讓教練和客戶一起建立的目標導向並且合理可行的策略,以建立長期的運動習慣和默契,我會給你一個專業的意見,讓你做最好的選擇。這服務是免費提供給長期課表設計的客戶。

Integrated Mobility Program 整合式活動性訓練

For those who are looking to increase flexibility, mobility, energy and sports performance. This is a carefully designed integrated class combining bodyweight and resistance exercises aiming to increase overall health and performance. This is a great class for those first timers who are looking to build leanmuscle, for those with more experience, this is good active recovery option aiming to improve your muscle recovery. The class structure will include exercises that increase range of motion and neuro muscular connectivity. It is an an integrated session that includes breathing techniques, muscle awareness, core stability, and recovery. Both a fun option for weekend warriors or sedentary individual.

如果你希望增加柔軟度,提升肌肉的彈性,增加身體活動度,快速的恢復運動能力。這堂課是為你而設計的。對於無肌力經驗的人,這是個入門課程,對於過度身體緊繃,大量肌力訓練的人,這是個讓身體復原的課程。這堂課針對全身整體的關節活動度 ROM 和神經肌肉啟動 Neuro-Muscular Connection去規劃動作,結合了瑜伽呼吸,肌肉啟動,核心穩定,使用彈力帶和PVC水管為輔具,具挑戰而有趣的課程,非常適合週末戰士和久坐族。

Strength and Conditioning Program 肌力和體能訓練 

This program primarily focus on hypertrophy, strength and conditioning. It is best suited for avid fitness individuals, with some training experience, for those looking to improve, and those who want to improve their overall body composition either through weight loss or lean muscle gains. This program addresses all facets of bodily functions tailored to the specific needs of the individual. A periodized workout programing that begins with skill acquisition, and ends with specific training goals. You will receive personal coaching cues, modifications and corrective exercises if necessary to help you advance your fitness goals. It can also be sport specific to help you improve your game, and enjoy an injury free lifestyle. 


Yoga Therapy Program 療癒瑜伽

This program specifically designed to help any individual with physical and mental chronic conditions. The program utilize a combination of eastern and western modality. I practice and use yoga philosophical tool such as asana(yoga poses), meditation, pranayama(breath work) as a foundational practice, combining with contemporary scientific understanding in exercise physiology and mindfulness based stress release somatic practices. If you have chronic injury with pain, suffering depression and anxiety, difficult sleeping and generally low in energy. This is a good starting place before advancing to other exercise modality. 


Group Classes 團課 

Group classes is a fun way to get started if you don't know what you are looking for. It's a good way to get to know my teaching and training style before hiring me as your long term coach. It is also much more economical and flexible. I offer classes at local studios and gyms at various hours, check out the group class page. It is also a good way to meet like minded people, or perhaps bringing a friend to get your fitness goal started.


Workshops 研習課

A workshop is a good way to further your understanding of your practice and training. It is a great way to learn hands-on skills, asking questions and dive deeper into my teaching methods. During the workshop, you will learn training nuances, in-depth details, methodology and principles that I do not have time to cover in group classes. If you are a trainer or teacher, workshop will elevate your game and improve your knowledge. If you are a practitioner, workshop will help you understand what you do better, and help you become a better practitioner. 


Retreats 僻靜營

The purpose of a retreat is to create a space so you can take a break outside of your daily routine. The retreat I organize center around the Wellness 3W and Mindfulness 3R principles. The 3W is Move Well, Eat Well and Be Well, the 3R is Right Exercise, Right Nutrition and Right Mind. A typical day at a Jordan Wellness retreat include a morning meditation or movement/yoga practice, healthy nutritious meal plan, group discussion QA and fun organized activities at the retreat venue . My teaching at the retreat is meant to connect, empower, educate and most importantly have fun ! 


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